Although I am not a big fan of stand up comedy, I found that Hasan Minhaj's use of humor on big topics like the internet helpful in explaining the issues that rise from the use of social media. He jokes that social media is like HPV because just because you "don't have it, doesn't mean it doesn't affect you or someone you know". I find that statement very important because it embodies everything the internet is - it affects everyone, even when you don't want it to. For example, for finals a lot of students, including myself, delete all their social media from their phones and try to detach completely to only focus on studies, but the lack of it is also affecting us. We are so used to and accustomed to checking our phones every two seconds that we can't live without them. We become "one" with our phone and computer so much so that we become dependent. A day without it just seems unusual. We talk about our phones like it is an extension of our arm. We carry all the information and data that comes with us on these devices - which can be dangerous. In Hasan Minhaj's example in the case of Christine Blasey Ford, it is clear that people can access anything and exploit everything. Keeping information and privacy is a difficult thing to do, especially when the one's trying to get it is the people you are supposed to trust - like your own government.
Moving forward to the concept of free speech is another danger in the world - because of things like cyber bullying, censorship, and trying to keep kids off of sites that are inappropriate. As he said in the beginning the internet is "where everything happens". Literally anything you want to know, watch, or post yourself it is there at your fingertips. Anyone with a computer can post ANYTHING and anyone can access it.
Of course, with everything good there does comes bad. The internet is an amazing resource when used correctly, but there is always things on their that shouldn't be and as Hasan Minhaj points out sometimes some things just cannot be erased - even if the government gets involved. So how exactly is the government helping in the process of the internet when they are unable to fix what is wrong with it and they are making a worse and less safer place for people to roam freely without being traced for every like and comment they post?