Portable Scanner
The idea of the portable scanner is essentially to create an online notebook. After each class if you take 2 minutes to scan your notes, you can easily create an online notebook. Ideally,
the scanned pages would upload to your specified notebook through an app that can be accessed by your phone, laptop, iPad, and any device. This way, if you lose your notebook, you still have a backup. Now you may ask, why not just take notes on your laptop or iPad? And I will answer my question with a question: Have you ever heard "No devices in class"? Some professors and in certain settings it is not allowed or appropriate for use of electronics. And so, if you want to keep your hand written notes/drawing/etc safe in one place you can easily scan them and upload them to the app. The scanner would have an app in which you can create "notebooks" and upload notes for specified classes to it. You can edit your notes on the app by accessing it through any electronic device. In the scanner there is also a USB port to allow the user to upload the documents to the USB for any reason.
The scanner is simple. You click start and the little wheel at the bottom will move straight down, scanning the entire page. Click upload and it's uploaded! Now of course you could
just take a picture of the document and then email it to yourself and then go to your email and then save it onto your device, ultimately taking up more space on your device. OR you
could click the start button and then upload. The app can be accessed through a website - kind of like Instagram or Facebook, so that way you never need to actually save the scans
onto your device. The app itself is almost like google docs/drive but just for your scans so that way they don't get lost in files. It keeps your ideas and notes organized in one place.
It's most useful for forgetful for people.
For example, I know I like to have a hard tangible copy of my planner and I'll also write it down on my phone. This is 1. so I don't have to take out my planner from my bag and 2. In case I forget my planner at home. With the scanner/app, after writing down my schedule I could just scan each page so I could have it on my phone in the app without having to take a picture of it and using up my storage. The portable scanner could be useful in many other situations aside from school. It could also be used to scan important documents at work or to scan pictures or for any other reason you would need a scanner. It's pretty useful in that you don't need to focus your camera to take the picture and you don't have to waste storage.

For long the constituents of my fathers kingdom have urged for a more convenient way to access and store their notes. After consulting numerous experts we had come to the conclusion that we shall require our constituents to only hand write their notes, because of its effectiveness, however we had come across this issue of convenience. As once the insightful Archduke David Chappellman hath once declared, "Modern day problems call for modern day solutions," we believe that this will be a viable option for our conundrum. My father's kingdom extends its dearest thanks.