All the external speakers each had their individual qualities and provided different perspectives to their line of work. I like that each make an impact to the world in their own fields. The work they do was really inspiring. I think there was definitely a common theme in questions we asked. Some basic ones were related to motivation for why they do the work they do and what exactly it is. I think each of their approaches to diversity dealt with minorities and those who are unable to provide for themselves. I think focusing on people who are not as financially stable was a theme throughout. I find that being able to help others like that is something we really need in this world and the fact that each of these speakers are able to do that with their line of work is very impressive. I think that diversity is necessary in any field, especially in technology. I think that Vernelle and Joshua's work focused mainly on diversity by focusing on those who cannot help themselves. Joshua's work with Kibera had focused on developing a country by protecting it. Similarly, on the Recurse Center's web page they included diversity by aiding those who can't. But, they also include it in their tech field by acknowledging and hiring different backgrounds. Overall, I believe diversity in the tech field needs to be implemented to create a balance in society.
Phase 2, Post 7 : External Speakers